fuh, beberapa minggu ni tahap "kesibukan" aku semakin meningkat...haiya, manyak pening woo kapla aku, mna nk urus proposal EE yg membengongkan kepala hotak aku, lab repot, omwoks dan banyak lagi.
ok back to the topic, there are some of my juniors yg contact aku, minta tips2 utk interview memandangkan dorg baru je dpt result spm.
01) first korg kena bt research la skit psl course yg korg nk apply ni...means that u hav to study la. Do surf the internet and look for the relevants topic. Kdg2 korg akan soalan2 yg membingungkn jg dr interviewers tu, cthnya mcm aku dlu dia tnya how much ratio doctor:patient kt malaysia ni.
02)secondly, u have to practice bcakap...paling mudah korg boleh berckap dpan cermin. Buat la beberpa kali smpai korg jd confident. Tp better u look for another person so that he/she can give comment on u.
03)korg kena prepare dgn appearance...rambut kena kemas dll la.ni penting jg tau.
04)korg kena prepare resume, certs compile dlm 1 fail and all relevant details.
05)minta parents doakan korg. Doa parents ni mmg mustajab.
06)During the interview, be confident with urself but don't be overconfident,nnt jd lain pula. Kalau x dpt atau x sure nk jawab apa yg dorg soal, don't be panic. Bgtau dgn jujur korg x tau tp dgn guna bahasa yg seswai. Don't show ur dumbness and foolness.
07)Lastly, berdoa la kpd Allah. Tawakkaltu alallah.
Selamat mengharungi IB. Huhuhu. EE buat subject apa? Ada idea nak buat apa?
ReplyDeleteEE bt bio..
ReplyDeletepsl ikan belacak (mudskipper) jd water pollution indicator